Chili Crisp Orange Chicken Stealth Health Slow Cooker Meal Prep Series, Season 2, Episode 8 Per serving (Makes 10, includes rice) 510 Calories 40g Protein 59g Carbs 10g Fat Ingredients: 64oz (1800g) boneless skinless chicken thighs 240ml (1 cup) orange juice 90g (6 Tbsp) soy sauce 45g (3 Tbsp) mirin 15g (1 Tbsp) chili crisp 1 Tbsp garlic powder 1 Tbsp onion powder 1 tsp black pepper High: 3-4 hours OR Low: 4-5 hours Remove all liquid from slow cooker, bring to boil for ~20 minutes to reduce. Orange sauce: 120g (6 Tbsp) orange marmalade 30g (2 Tbsp) chili crisp 30g (2 Tbsp) seasoned rice vinegar 20g (1 Tbsp) honey 10g (1/2 Tbsp) ginger paste or minced ginger Corn starch slurry (to thicken): 8G (1 Tbsp) corn starch 15ml (1 Tbsp) water Place over heat for 30 seconds, mix until thick, then add to chicken Add salt to taste (if needed) Garnishes: Chopped green onions Sesame seeds Black sesame seeds Rice bowls: 500g rice of choice (dry weight) Allocate chicken and rice evenly across 10 servings, garnish with green onions and sesame seeds Store frozen, reheat by microwaving for 3-4 minutes, mix, then microwave another 1-2 minutes if needed Enjoy! — This is a featured recipe in my upcoming slow cooker meal prep cookbook! Less than a month until the cookbook releases 👀 Until then, hope you enjoy this recipe and the many others I’ve posted this year! #stealthhealth#mealprep#healthyrecipes#healthyrecipesfordinner#easyrecipe#mealprep#highproteinrecipe#macrofriendlyrecipe#lowcalorierecipe#countingcalories#trackingmacros#fitness#crockpotrecipe#slowcookerrecipe#slowcookermealprep#healthyslowcookerrecipesoriginal sound
Duration: 60 sPosted : Sun, 10 Nov 2024 20:48:54Views