Researchers have managed to extract #RNA from an #extinct species for the first time, opening up possibilities for further #genetic research. The genetic material came from a Tasmanian tiger, also known as a thylacine, that died approx 130 years ago. The #Tasmaniantiger, once found in Tasmania and the Australian mainland, was driven to extinction by hunting, habitat destruction, and disease. The last one in captivity died in 1936. 'RNA gives you the chance to go through the cell, the tissues, and find the real biology that has been preserved in time for that animal, the thylacine species, right before they died,' Emilio Mármol Sánchez, the lead study author, said to CNN. While RNA was previously pulled from a 14,000+-year-old frozen wolf, this is the first time it's been done with an extinct #species, according to #CNN. The undertaking was not a part of the project to bring the thylacine back from #extinction, led by the Thylacine Integrated Genetic Restoration Research Lab.