Pike Push-Up 101 Let’s Remember, the Pike Push-Up is a regression for the HSPU. Therefore, we do not want to build bad habits with poor posture, and muscle engagement. We want to make sure we’re replicating the handstand position by doing the following: ✅Leaning into our Hands (feet should feel light) ✅Head falls above our hands on the decline ✅Keeping Legs Straight ✅Engaging Core ✅Pushing up and out through the shoulders You should finish this exercise nearly inverted, as if you were in a handstand. A good substitution for this exercise is the military press. In a military press you would not push out to the side like shown in the incorrect version either. Take these tips and go be great! #pushupform #pikepushup #striqpushup #handstandpushup #calisthenicsforbeginners #calisthenicstutorial