It was enough. Summer isn’t quite over here where I live, but I still keeping having these moments where I overthink everything we did or didn’t do. It’s so easy to think about all the hard moments, the inpatient moment, not present moment, the tired moments, the moments of boredom or frustration. And yet, between them all, there were so many moments of magic. As I laid on the trampoline a pile of cushions yesterday after I got back from the public pool with my kids yesterday, we stared at the clouds and laughed about the different shapes they were. My phone was inside the house. There was no distractions. I was just there. I thought about how glorious moments like this are. How the wonder of childhood captivates me And also how I struggle to feel it when I’m so busy. Whenever I have moments like this I purposefully etch them into my brain as a reminder of the fact that I AM there. I don’t need to be present for every moment of every day, it’s enough to truly soak it in between all of the other things we have to do. If anything, I need to do better at remembering those moments and not just focussing on the next thing or the parts I’m not proud of. Because goodness there are a lot of good moments and I think we do ourselves an injustice not giving them more attention ❤️ I think we should start a trend with this sound. Share the glimpses of your summer with #momssummermemories & let’s remind the moms to remember the good moments. We could all use it. Tell me your favorite summer memory below ❤️ #motherhood #summermemories #momguilt #momtruth