The energy of our trauma is processed in the subconscious mind. What does this mean?👇🏻 In some cases, trauma is a huge event but in many cases, trauma is a compounding effect of so many little highly charged trapped memories. The subconscious mind is always trying to release stuck energy ⚡, some ways it does this is by releasing memories that aren’t serving you - AKA your memories of trauma. The subconscious mind looks for any events in your life that remind you of the initial trauma and uses it as an opportunity to release that energy - AKA a trigger. But we wind up at war with ourselves. The more trauma we have → the more triggers we have → the more charged those triggers become → the more we experience them. The longer we hold onto these energies the stronger the triggers become, we ruminate on the trigger, we collect evidence that we are some sort of person - AKA an anxious person, we identify as that sort of person, and whatever we identify with becomes our reality. What’s not being talked about enough is the fact that in order to truly heal, by which I mean experience no flares, no relapses, and gain resiliency, in order to truly heal you have to get to the root root cause which in my opinion lies in the subconscious mind. If you’re on your healing journey and not finding relief, it’s important to consider this lens. Moving through this process in a gentle way that doesn’t retraumatize the mind and body so we can send messages of safety instead of danger is the key 🔑 to healing. #chronicillnesslife #chronicillnesswarrior #chronicillnessfyp #chronicillnesshealing #subconsciousmind #traumarelease #traumaresponses #nervoussystemhealth #healingtraumawithlove