Fin rot is extremely common and treatable, if left unchecked it can prove to be fatal. It has some reason make your betta get fin rot: 1. Poor water quality Poor water quality is going to make your aquarium a breeding ground for bacteria, parasites, and fungal infections. On top of this poor water quality will also stress your betta out. And over time this will weaken their immune system, making them more susceptible to fin rot. 2.Injury The fins of your betta are delicate, and can be easily injured by a scrape along rough or sharp tank decor or plants, or by an aggressive nip from another tank inhabitant. 3. Poor diet If your betta don't have a quality diet, it can lead to a weakened immune system and fin rot has a chance to attack your fish. #betta #fishtank #finrot #tailrot #aquariumhobby #aquarium #ultimateaqua #fish #singapore