Ljetna brusketa ☀️ | Tomato & feta bruschetta 😍 SASTOJCI - da bude baaš puno nadjeva: • 1 ciabatta ili francuski kruh / baguette • 400g cherry rajčice ili 3 veće obične • 200g feta sir • 1-2 režnja češnjaka (ovisi koliko ga volite, ja stavim 2 manja) • maslinovo ulje • sol, papar (i češnjak u prahu opcionalno) RECEPT - upalite pećnicu na 200’C 1. Ciabattu prerežite vodoravno, premažite maslinovim uljem i začinite sa soli i paprom (može i češnjak, suhi) - možete ju odmah narezati i na kriške ako vam je zgodnije (a ne na kraju) 2. Pecite 15- 20min na 200’C (dok ne vidite da je sredina zlatna, a rubovi tamno smedji); ako žurite može i na 220’C 10min, ali ce biti malo meksa u sredini 3. Za to vrijeme nasjeckajte rajčicu na male kockice (cherry ide na četvrtine ili polovice ako je manja), fetu na male kockice te ubacite u zdjelu u koju izribajte ili skroz usitnite i svježi češnjak te svježi bosiljak (alternativa je i suhi bosiljak kao ja, a može i bez) 4. Dodajte 3-4 žlice maslinovog ulja, sol i papar po ukusu (probavajte) 5. Ispečene bruskete ili prvo prerežite pa nadjenite ili nadjenite pa režite 👌 ❣️ENGLISH INGREDIENTS • 1 ciabatta or baguette • 400g cherry tomatoes or 3 larger regular ones • 200g feta cheese • 1-2 cloves of garlic (it depends on how much you like it, I put 2 smaller ones) • olive oil • salt, pepper and granulated garlic RECIPE - turn on the oven at 200’C 1. Cut the ciabatta horizontally, coat with olive oil and season with salt, pepper and garlic powder - you can immediately cut it into slices if it is more convenient for you 2. Bake for 20 minutes at 200’C 3. During this time, chop the tomato into small cubes (the cherries go into quarters), the feta into small cubes and put them in a bowl where you grate or completely chop the fresh garlic and fresh basil (an alternative is also dry basil like me, or you can leave it out) 4. Add 3-4 tablespoons of olive oil, salt and pepper to taste 5. Either cut the baked bruschetta first and then pile it all on baked/toasted ciabatta or pile it first and then cut it 👌 #ljetna #brusketa #jednostavnirecepti #bruschetta #tomato #easy #recipe \ jednostavni recept \ easy recipe \