Routine typed out: 👇⬇️ Daily: Sift 💩, collect/store eggs, check food/water, hang out with the chickens. I have an autodoor so they get in and out on their own. (10-15 min) Weekly: Sift sand, fill feed/water. (15 min) Monthly: Health checks, buy feed & supplies, resist the urge to buy more chickens. (1 hour) Yearly: Two big clean outs a year, winter/summer prep, integrate new chickens if adding more, deal with parasites/injuries/illness if it pops up, landscaping, complete some kind of project that may or may not be necessary lol! (Varies) This small (smaller than my other one that is) coop is great for 5-10 regular sized hens as long as the run is bigger. Bantams are half that size so you can double it! I had it built and don’t have the plans. He did say he’s working on some so fingers crossed! Who wants to see routine for my big flock?! #coop #coops #cooproutine #purelychickens #chickencoop #chickencoops