This video reminds us of two crucial things: Firstly, let’s avoid force-feeding our beliefs onto others. Secondly, let’s stay open to challenging our perspectives and embracing new viewpoints. Our bubbles often shield us from considering fresh ideas, regardless of their scientific backing. Living abroad, immersed in diverse cultures, has shaken my once-unchallengeable beliefs. It’s a humbling yet liberating experience. Those who’ve lived abroad often excel at navigating this dilemma, constantly adjusting their beliefs and embracing the freedom of acknowledging our limited understanding of the world. It’s a skill worth honing, wherever life takes us. #lifecoach #lifecoaching #basedonscience #perceptionisreality #weliveinabubble #bubbles #challengeyourbeliefs #coaching #openminded #openmindedapproach #challengeaccepted #growthmindset #selfimprovement #selfawareness #lifelonglearning #lifelonglearner #stilllearning #stilllearningeveryday