For our ALT text users, here's what the images show. The first photo is of our guavas, pineapples and apples smoothie labels. Only on there, we spelt "guavas" wrong. We spelt it "gauvas". Above the photo, we've written "we may not be good at spelling". Which is true. Obviously. Next we have a photo with the title "and we're also not good at drawing". Below, there's a pretty amateur doodle of a bee and a flower. We'd love to say this was drawn by a primary school child. But we reckon even they would draw better than us. The last photo is of our calendar. We like to plan our days out and show how busy we are. Which is why we're "pretending to work" from 9-11am. Then we have a 30 minute break where we're "visiting the snack cupboard". Then, we're really busy "watching TikTok" until 1pm. Then we've got lunch until 2pm. Then we're back to "pretending to work" until 3pm. Then, because we're peckish again, we're "revisiting the snack cupboard" for 30 minutes before we take 15 minutes to "drink a smoothie". And finally, we're back to "pretending to work until the day is done. Above this calendar we've written "but we're also really bad at working". We think the calendar says it all.
Duration: 0 sPosted : Thu, 21 Mar 2024 11:27:06Views