For all our ALT text users, we've written it below. This is a title slide with a doodle of a crystal ball in the centre and stars floating around it. Inside the ball, there's our logo. Above, the title says "which of our drinks are you?". Below, it says "We've been reading the stars to find out your destinies. It turns out they all include one of our drinks." Fancy that. Who would've thought? This first prediction is for all the Aries out there. There's a doodle of a crystal ball with our Citrus Shield drink in it. And lots of flames shooting out of it. It says, "you're a fiery bunch, so your dirnk is citrus shield. That's because it's got some ginger in it which might taste fiery." We can confirm this is 99.99% accurate. Next we have Taurus. "You're practical and dependable and so it our apple juice. A match made in heaven. Literally." We say literally because there's doodles of clouds floating in the background. The next crystal ball is for Gemini. It reads "take your pick but get two.". Inside the crystal ball you've got two of our aple and raspberry juices. And lots of question marks around it. Because we don't really know why it's this juice either. Next we have our prediciton for cancer. "There's only one drink for a water sign. Nope, not water. It's coconut water." To make it extra special, we've got some doodles of water droplets dripping in the background. For leos, we wrote "you're a natural born leader, so yours is the juice that led the way for blue drinks everywhere - bolt from the blue." We have nothing else to add to this. Our libras were pretty hard to figure out. In the end, we wrote "After a lot of deliberation, we've decided apple and mango is our most symmetrical juice. We don't make the rules." And we don't. The crystal ball does.
Duration: 0 sPosted : Thu, 07 Mar 2024 14:20:12Views