Planning the Modern Homestead 🤝🛠️🤩 • On today’s episode we discuss planning and building out your modern homestead on raw rural acreage and how it requires so much thinking ahead. Here on our acreage we started with the earth work first, digging trenches for our off-grid capable, gravity fed homestead water system all throughout our acreage, utilizing these same trenches to run buried electrical conduit as well. All of this meant we needed to anticipate exactly where our future home, barn, craft kitchen, greenhouse, and other outbuildings would all be located and built many months, if not years down the road. And just when you think you’ve got it all whooped, you’ll remember how another overlapping future project will require digging another trench to burry more of the same.. Planning for your future farm needs are crucial when designing how this layer cake will all come together in the end.. Today I lucked out drilling fencing post holes with the tractor and auger. I knew daily close to where my waterlines lay underneath the ground but it still makes you really nervous.. Had I been thinking ahead, I would have marked exactly where these lines ran with my future fencing project in mind.. But you’ll never remember it all. Just do your best and enjoy the process. The journey is the thing. • It’s better to be a warrior in a garden than to be a gardener in a war. 🌱🥷 • #modern #rural #civilian #selfsufficient #off-grid #sustainableliving #rootcellar #switch-grid #strawbale #foodprodution #foodpreservation #beekeeping #rampump #homestead #waterislife #bushcraft #fatwood #apothecary #preparedness #precisionshooting #fish #overland #community #hunt #forage #icebath #modernruralcivilian