Miso is a fermented food with a well-balanced nutrient profile that has the ability to help prevent chronic diseases as well as functional, nutritional, and nutraceutical benefits. Miso is derived from soybeans and grains as a result of the activities of Koji enzymes and beneficial microbes. It has excellent nutritional properties that include gut friendly bacteria, protein rich, vitamins E + K, high in amino acids and isoflavones. Miso possesses anticancer, antihypertensive, antiobese, and anti-inflammatory properties, as well as the ability to eliminate gastrointestinal diseases. Miso Vinaigrette! Knowing all the wonderful properties that miso has to offer an anti-inflammatory diet, I was eager to try this recipe that I learned from Melissa Ben-Ishay from the famous and delicious @bakedbymelissa for many reasons. First, liked the ingredient profile. The ingredients were different than that of a typical miso dressing that usually use Asian ingredients. This one has ingredients of a fresh vinaigrette- lemons, red wine vinegar, nutritional yeast, garlic, oregano, with the plot twist- miso. Being honest, it was when Melissa said that she could actually drink this dressing like soup is what really sold me. I had to try it. So I did and it was delicious for all of the right reasons. Bright, fresh, the miso-yum, the anti-inflammatory health benefits, and yes, l could drink it. Thank you Melissa! Recipe courtesy of Baked By Melissa. Miso Vinaigrette. Find it at @bakedbymelissa or in her new cookbook. Come Hungry. You have to follow her-she has the best salads and such. #bestlifeherbals #bakedbymelissa #liveyourbestlife #antiinflammatorydiet #antiinflammatoryfood #bestlifekitchen