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Replying to @dontgoawaymadjustgoaway and to add to that… if you prefer traditional pasta or your body doesn’t tolerate some of the more blood sugar friendly pastas… You can add in additional fiber and protein through outside sources, like veggies, meat, beans, etc. #milk#milknhoneynutritionb#diabeteso#bloodsugare#type1 #t1de#type1diabetese#type2 #t2de#type2diabetesd#prediabetesodsugarfriendly
This was such a good question! How can sugar-free chocolate chips and regular chocolate chips have the same amount of total carbohydrate? The answer isn’t necessarily about how many carbohydrates are in there, but rather what type of carbohydrates we’re talking about. What other diabetes or blood sugar related nutrition questions do you have? Drop them in the comments! #milknhoneynutrition #diabetes #bloodsugar #type1 #t1d #type1diabetes #type2 #t2d #type2diabetes #prediabetes #bloodsugarfriendly
Hard or medium boiled eggs are such an easy way to add 6 to 8 g of protein to a meal or snack! And I love this egg cooker that you can get for under $20 … makes it so simple! #mi#milknhoneynutritioni#diabetesl#bloodsugary#type11#t1dy#type1diabetesy#type22#t2dy#type2diabetesr#prediabetesl#bloodsugarfriendlyardbliledeggs ##eggcooker
In this video, we discuss whether or not you should be taking a probiotic if you have diabetes? And then, if you choose to take a probiotic (after chatting with your doctor or healthcare team first, of course) 4 things to look for when choosing a probiotic supplement 👍 ##milknhoneynutrition##diabetes##bloodsugar##type1##t1d##type1diabetes##type2##t2d##type2diabetes##prediabetes##bloodsugarfriendly##probiotics
Summer is coming and we all know we’re supposed to drink lots of water to stay hydrated, but did you know that the food you were choosing to eat can also impact your risk of being dehydrated? Let's look at 9 high fluid foods you can include in your diet as the temperatures start to heat up and your risk for dehydration can go up as well. #milknhoneynutrition #diabetes #bloodsugar #type1 #t1d #type1diabetes #type2 #t2d #type2diabetes #prediabetes #bloodsugarfriendly #greenscreen