For all our ALT text users: This is a title slide with a doodle of a crystal ball in the centre and stars floating around it. Inside the ball, there's our logo. Above, the title says "which of our drinks are you? part 2.". Below, it says "We've been reading the stars to find out your destinies. It turns out they all include one of our drinks." Fancy that. Who would've thought? Our crystal ball told us virgos are an earth sign. Which is why we wrote "The stars have chosen our recharge super smoothie for you. That’s because you’re an earth sign and recharge has carrots in it, which grow in the earth.". We also doodled some carrots next to it. Did we mention our rechard smoothie has carrots in it? Next we have scorpios. We were really creative with this one. "Scorpios are passionate, so it’s mango and passion fruit smoothie for you. Not everyone can do this you know." And we stand by that. Now we have the one everyone's been waiting for. And by everyone, we mean all five of you. For Sagittarius, we wrote "you're a loyal bunch, like our orange juice. Go for smooth to avoid any surprises." There's doodles of oranges next to the crystal ball just in case it wasn't clear which drink we meant. For Capricorns, we really went all out. "Capricorn's animal is a sea goat. We're not sure what that is, so we're going for the smoothie GOAT. Which is strawberries and bananas. Obviously." In case you weren't sure what GOAT stands for, we doodled a sign pointing at our strawberry and banana smoothie with the words "greatest of all time" on it. You'll never think of goats the same way again. Next we have Aquarius. "You lot are known for your innovation, so you get our pioneering blue spark super smoothie." Some say it was the first blue smoothie to be made. We'll let you spread that rumour far and wide. Last but not least we have the drink for pisces. And we really thought long and hard about this one. "We don’t make anything with fish in it. So, we went with something tropical instead. It’s tropical juice for you." What a time to be alive.