Omg SWEETS! At the moment, I’ve just really fancied any kind of soft, chewy, fruit sweet 🤤 Makes me salivate just thinking about it 😍😩 In my first pregnancy, I was obsessed with foamy bananas, this pregnancy, chewy sweets 😅 Never craved any sweets with Henry, so maybe we might be having a little girl with all the sweet cravings 🤔 I must admit though, this cable sweet mix is unreal, I’ve been trying to savour them, but they’re too good! 😩 What have been your cravings? Do you know what gender you’re having? If so, do youre cravings line up to which gender you’re having? 🤰🏼 #pregnancy #pregnant #pregnantlife #pregnanttiktok #pregnant🤰 #pregnantmama #pregnnacytiktok #pregnancylife #pregnancytok #pregnancycravings #foodcravings #sweetcravings #sweets #sweettooth #thingsthathitdifferent #hitdifferent #24weekspregnant #6monthspregnant #secondtrimester #july2023baby Sweet pregnancy cravings Cravings sweets candy Candy craving Pregnancy craving Food craving Things that hit different when you’re pregnant