If you know US you've already seen what my BEAURTIFUL wife @darealbbjudy did for me for a "pre-PUSH" present. PRE??? No mam THIS f'd me up ENOUGH. I do not and will not accept ANYTHING ELSE! She told me we were going to eat! Geesh I am STILL OVERWHELMED and just STUCK like WTF? Maaan this woman is the BEST THING that has ever happened to me. We laugh, we cry, we disagree, we communicate, we learn from each other, we love each other so hard but w different love languages at different times. When Shalamar made "Never Knew Love Like This Before," they wrote it for ME! We UNDERSTAND one another. Some people STILL never ever find what we have in a whole lifetime. I cannot thank GOD enough for connecting me to my TWIN FLAME, my SOUL MATE, my FOREVER. We have the same heart. OMG I could go on forever about her... but I have the rest of our lives to do that and believe me I WILL! Oh and her PRESENTATIONS are UNFUCKWITTABLE! #daBeaurtifuls #HarrisDupart #BabyHarrisDupart #myPUSHgiftisBETTTERthanYOURS #LMMAO #SHELOVESME #FYP #pregnantlife #lesbiansoftiktok #ivf #pregnancytiktok #darealbbjudy #dabrat #tiktok #EVERYDAYLIFE #SOSOBLESSED AND I'M NOT EVEN PUSHING!!!! 😂😂😂