🚨 NEW FDA RULE ALERT 🚨 As of Jan 22, 2024, a new rule by the FDA is in effect! On Dec 21, 2023, the FDA issued a final rule providing an ‼️EXCEPTION‼️from the requirement to obtain informed consent when a clinical investigation poses minimal risk to human subjects with appropriate safeguards. We cannot goodbye to INFORMED CONSENT! This is the rule: “This rule permits an IRB (institutional review board) to approve an informed consent procedure that waives or alters certain informed consent elements or waives the requirement to obtain informed consent, under limited conditions, for certain FDA-regulated minimal-risk clinical investigations” So first of all they get to still define and determine what is “minimal-risk”, and we all know they EXCELL at that job 🙄 Second this means they can prescribe trial drugs without letting you know they’re trial drugs. What else?? Comment below for the detox I use and the free e-book that could help you stay pHARMA free and avoid taking risky prescriptions and even riskier trial drugs. STOP SUPPORTING pHARMA with Iv3r & F3nB3n and support small businesses & Health Coaches that ACTUALLY want you healthy and let the pHarma system collapse! Get to the ROOT Cause don’t add to it! Follow @detox_dame for more holistic health tips🌿 Stay informed! Fight for Informed Consent #FDA #updates #distraction #informedconsentmatters #informedconsent #NewsToday #HealthyLifestyle #ourbodyourchoice #HealthNews