The wound of judgment can cause resentment in relationships by causing us to be overly critical of our partbers, keep tally of past regressions, and create a fear if making mistakes. Our relationships should be a place we feel safe to be imperfect. However, if wither parntner grew up woth religious trauma or judgmental parents, judgment can become a theme in their adult relationships and marriage. To learn more about healing the wound of judgment in your relationship get “The Inner Work of Relationships” book now in our tiktok shop! #resentmentinrelationships #resentmentinmarriage #brokenrelationships #fixingrelationships #realrelationships #redflagsinrelationships #traumabonding #traumabondrecovery #traumabond #marriageadvice #marriage #couplescounseling #couplescoaching #couplestherapy #relationshipbooks #bestbooks #tiktokbooks #selfimprovementbooks #booksyouneedtoread #spiritualitybooks #relationshipbooks #theinnerwork #theinnerworkbook #theinnerworkofrelationships