Even though she said "crawfish" I'll use lobsters for reference here, crawdad's big cousin. It's iIIegaI to boil lobsters alive in Switzerland, Norway, and New Zealand, and for good reason. We should protect the vuln3rable, and p3rs3cut3 the d4ng3rous. Be animal defenders. "Dr. Jonathan Birch, Associate Professor at LSE's Centre for Philosophy of Natural and Social Science and principal investigator on the Foundations of Animal Sentience project, said in a report released by the school. "After reviewing over 300 scientific studies, we concluded that cephalopod molluscs and decapod crustaceans should be regarded as sentient, and should therefore be included within the scope of animal welfare law." I'm not a welfarist, but a liberationist, and this is relevant to the idea that animals should have the right to their own lives. They have a subjective experience of reality, and they should be able to experience that without v1olent human intrusion. @militantsoyboy 👀 New to veganism? If you're a beginner and need vegan recipes, or more information on animal rights, take a look at my L1NK🌳 #vegan #vegannotvegetarian #howtogovegan #plantbased #animalrights #leaveanimalsalone #watchdominion #vegantiktok #vegantok #veganism #vegano #vehanismo #veganguy #vegetarian #philosophy #philosophytiktok #carnism #veganmen #soyboy #dairyfree #animalsarefriendsnotfood #rescueanimals #animalliberation #lobster #crawdad #crawfish #crawfishboil #crawfishseason #lobstertail #crustacean #antennae #howtocooklobster #crab #crablegs #seafood #seafoodlover #greenscreenvideo