Working with an art easel > working on a table. Why? Well, first, take a minute to think back to when you were a kid 👀 How AWESOME was it when you got to play with something meant just for you?! I know I personally would have ✨loved✨ to have my own art easel so I was so excited to find this amazing one by @Hape Toys !! Hape created this easel with kids in mind but also parents. It’s functional and well-designed with features like paint holders, storage in between, double sided (magnetic whiteboard and chalkboard), and a roll for paper on top! 👏🏼 Did I mention it has three different adjustable sizes to grow with your child?! Let’s talk about the benefits of using an art easel. Not only is it a designated space for art and creation, but using one is something called ✨vertical play✨ and is so great for 👉🏼 bilateral coordination (using both sides of the body) 👉🏼 maintaining balance 👉🏼 improving fine motor skills 👉🏼 spatial awareness 👉🏼 hand-eye coordination 👉🏼 plus it’s different and FUN I can’t wait for all of the fun, learning, and activities we’ll do with our easel! #art #toddlerart #arteasel #indoor #indooractivities #toddler #toddleractivities #finemotorskills #toddlermom #momfind #toddlerbirthday #toddlergift #hape #hapearteasel