Have you ever tried a White Lady cocktail? It’s an easy cocktail I have a feeling most can make at home as the ingredients are staples at my home bar (gin & Cointreau… say less) I added a little thyme syrup, this is optional as you can exclude it all together or you can use regular simple syrup to just bump up a sweetness a tick. Up to you! Here’s how to make it at home: In a cocktail shaker add: 1 egg white 1.5 oz gin, I used @graywhalegin 3/4 oz fresh lemon juice 3/4 oz @cointreau_us 1/2 oz thyme syrup, regular syrup, or omit Dry shake Add ice and shake again Double strain into a chilled coupe glass Garnish with a fresh lemon peel or slice Xoxo, cheers! #whitelady #gin #gincocktails #drinkrecipes #cocktailrecipes