Gingerbread House Decorating 🍬🍭✨ Decorating our gingerbread houses was a success! Each kid got a gingerbread house that I made using their old milk cartons and hot gluing graham crackers on the sides. Each table shared a mix of candy like gumdrops, m&ms, sour patch kids, and more! There was icing everywhere, kids sneaking candy and icing licks, but it was a lot of fun! Such a great way to make some memories before our last day before break tomorrow ✨ Pro tip: divided kids plates from @dollartree are the best way to store candy during this activity! . . . #firstgrade #firstgradeteacher #firstgradeteachers #kindergarten #kindergartenteacher #malekindergartenteacher #maleteacher #elementaryteacher #elementaryschool #elementaryschoolmemories #corememories #elementaryschoolchristmas