There are so many things that I want to keep for our family that I was just not sure how or where to store them. I made memory boxes for each one of the girls recently and I realized I should make one for our family as well! It's the perfect way to keep our past Christmas cards, special cards we've been given, family pictures, and other keepsakes we want to hold on to! Right now I have folders for past Christmas card of our family, special cards we've been given, photos, a folder for me, a folder for Austin, and a general memory folder. I'm sure I'll continue to add more categories as I find things to add to this keepsake box! I used a file box and just printed labels for each category. I did put a pretty file folder in the front just for an added touch. I put our old Christmas cards, some family pictures we had printed, and some cards we've been given over the years. I know I have more that I will be adding to this box that I've put in random places around the house. So as I find them, I'll be adding them to this! #memorybox #keepsakebox #memory #homeorganization #decluttering #declutteringtips #organizinghacks #organizingtips #organizingsystems #keepsakeboxtutorial #diymemorybox #momtips #momhacks #organizewithme #declutteryourhome #organizationfinds