Around 10 weeks pregnant I checked into the ER on a friday night and the doctor told me the ultrasound confirmed there was no baby in my belly. That following monday I had blood work done at my OBGYN and they told me my HCG levels were back to normal. About 4 weeks later I went to a walk in clinic thinking I had the flu and they told me I was pregnant. I remember telling them there was absolutely no way. I went to my OB the same day to have more test done and a ultrasound showing a healthy baby that I had never lost. I remember the ultrasound tech saying “you never lost that baby”. At 38 weeks pregnant Jasper was born by emergency c section. The next day he passed away in the comfort of my arms and on my chest due to complications from a car accident. I got to spend 9 months growing my sweet angel. It was an honor to spend more time with you then I thought I had. Your big brother and mommy loves you. We miss you and talk about you often. We tell everyone about you and have your pictures everywhere. It makes me sad knowing I’ll miss all your firsts but I get comfort in knowing you get to spend eternity with Jesus. #angelmom #miscarriage #grief #infantloss #pregnancyloss #childloss #bereavedmother #miscarriageawareness #angelbaby #babyloss #grievingmother #miscarriagesupport #pregnancyandinfantlossawareness #iam #childlossawareness #childlosssupport #rainbowbaby #loss #lifeafterloss #stillbornstillloved #babylossawareness #infantlossawareness #stillbirthawareness #griefjourney #infertility #babylosssupport #childlossgrief #eternity #jesus #heaven #angelbaby #angelbabymom #angelbaby🦋 #momsoftiktok #yourlife #yourlifematters #myworld #myboys #myboy #myeverything #accident #caraccident #carwreck #missed #missingyou #thankful #ourtime #neverforgetyou #neverforgotten #gonebutneverforgotten #hospital #alwaysloveyou #alwaysloved #yourname #life #special #specialtome #alwaysonmymind #alwaysinmyheart #forevermissed #forevermissingyou #myson #mysonshine #mybaby #mysweetboy #myheart #myangel #myangels #mylittlebaby #brothers #motherlove #weeks #weekspregnant #pregnantlife #pregnanttiktok #neverforget #knoxville #knoxvilletennessee #knoxvilletn #tn #tennessee #memorylane #memorybox #memories #memoriesareforever #memoriesbringbackyou #memories💫❤️ #comfort #hospitalstay #fightingformylife #youhavemyheart #youhavepurpose #purpose #everythingiwanted #youreperfect #ourstory #iwillalwaysloveyou #iwillbeyourvoice #hcg #drappointment #appointment #ultrasound #brokenheart #healing #healingjourney #healingtiktok #healingtrauma #healingprocess #process #oneyear #oneyearago #december #decemberbaby #thankfulfor #ourtime #togther #healthy #healthybaby #fullterm #emergency #emergencyroom #emergencycsection #csection #csectiondelivery #csectionmom #surgery #surgerytiktok #fyp #tiktok #streetsofgold #heavenangels #heavensent #godgavemeyou #mylifestory #brokenhearted #jasper #luca #carson #grey #changes #change #life #yourstory #yourstorymatters #yourstoryisntover #sharinghappiness #sharingisbeautiful #beautiful #beautifullife #handsomeboy #mylove #myloves #hashtag #hashtags #hashtagsviralvideos #hashtagstiktok #tags #mysonmylife #mysonshine💙 #mysonsaremyworld #mysonsaremylife #comfort #jesussaves #jesusismysavior #jesusismysavior #eternity #9monthspregnant #9months #oneday #onedayatatime #onedaywithyou #onedayatatime🦋 #trauma #traumahealing #traumatic #traumaticbraininjury #braininjury #awarness #mygod #mygodisawesome #mygoddidnotfail #growing #obgyn #doctor #doc #ortho #learningtowalk #walking #injury #injuryrecovery #recovery #recover #staystrong #itsokaytonotbeokay #breath #iwillalwaysloveyou #iwillmissyou #iwillalwaysloveyou #sickness #health #motherswortsnightmare #nightmare #mysonisanangel #myangel #myangelbaby #watchingovermefromheaven #guardianangel #beautifulbabycheck #perfect #mychildren #mychildrenmyworld #myworld🌍 #myheartisfull #noteasy #walking #walkingwithyou #alwaysinmyheart #inmyheart
Duration: 0 sPosted : Wed, 24 Apr 2024 16:22:11Views