Are you often made purple by poor-quality Band-Aids? Do you always have some Band-Aids at home for emergencies, such as finger cuts, head bleeding, etc.? Do you often feel that after the Band-Aid is removed, there will be a stinky smell? That's because the air is not breathable, and in severe cases, it will cause wound infection. Type: Wound Plaster / First Aid Suitable For: Light cutting wound, daily minor injury High Quality Plaster, Waterproof, Breathable • Good elasticity, good stickiness • Usage of good material, making it breathable & stretchable • Multipurpose in daily life, such as minor wound of cutting, preventing from shoe bite, handy when going outdoor Description: 1. Adhesive bandages provide long lasting protection of a sterile, long-lasting adhesive 2. Very useful to store first aid bandages. 3. First aid bandage is mainly used for small wound protection, fix the injection needles, Hemostatic and anti-inflammatory. Antibacterial hemostasis, promote healing, prevent infection 4. For your kids protection.Necessary conditions for family or outdoor camping and hiking For small wounds, cuts by knives, mosquito bites, hemostasis, falls, bleeding head, bruised ankles, preventing wound infection, finger cuts Jenis: Plaster Luka / Pertolongan Cemas Sesuai Untuk: Luka potong ringan, kecederaan ringan setiap hari Plaster Berkualiti Tinggi, Kalis Air, Boleh Bernafas • Keanjalan yang baik, kelekatan yang baik • Penggunaan bahan yang baik, menjadikannya bernafas & boleh diregangkan • Serbaguna dalam kehidupan seharian, seperti luka kecil akibat terhiris, terhindar dari gigitan kasut, mudah digunakan semasa keluar rumah Penerangan: 1. Pembalut pelekat memberikan perlindungan tahan lama, bagi pelekat yang steril dan tahan lama 2. Sangat berguna untuk menyimpan pembalut pertolongan cemas. 3. Pembalut pertolongan cemas digunakan terutamanya untuk perlindungan luka kecil, membetulkan jarum suntikan, Hemostatic dan anti-radang. Hemostasis antibakteria, menggalakkan penyembuhan, mencegah jangkitan 4. Untuk perlindungan anak-anak anda. Syarat-syarat yang diperlukan untuk keluarga atau luar berkhemah dan mendaki #easytouse #comfortable #plaster #waterproof #hemostatic #highquality #lightweight
Duration: 54 sPosted : Tue, 24 Dec 2024 06:35:48Views