Cheese caves, butter mountains, wine lakes, & syrup surpluses are all real food surpluses caused by government intervention or subsidy. Some, like Canada’s syrup reserve, are strategic and to hedge against annual changes in production. The others (like the cheese caves) are often an unintended consequence of government subsidies and interventionism gone wrong (I couldnt stich @user4390043225658 but i HIGHLY recommend you watch their video on the cheese caves, apparently we can thank the goverment and the surplus for cheese stuffed crust on pizza 🤯) The worst case being in France last year, because of a surplus of wine produced and not consumed during the pandemic and younger people drinking less in general, requiring the government to spend 200 million to destroy 80 million gallons to prevent the price from crashing and the workers from going unemployed. Did you know this? And do you know of any other unique food reserves either strategic or unintentional? #cheese #dairyindustry #wine #maplesyrup #foodreserve #buttermountain #cheeselover #government #france #canada #gotmilkchallenge