Picking a juror for the Trump hush money trial is going to be very tricky as defense lawyers will try and pick that one juror who will aquit Trump. New York is the perfect place for this circus court trial as this will become very political during a Presidential election year. #politics #newyork #court
When American Capitol Police make sure the streets are clear for the Prime Minister of Japan’s motorcade. Alaway a guessing game to see who’s in the motorcade if you dont recognize another countries flag #japanese #political #motorcade #police
OJ Simpson may have never been on a reality show, but he sure helped hollywood and all the networks know how important reality tv is by having 95 million people tune into his white bronco car chase doqn a LA freeway. When we look back at some of the most famous reality shows, its not an accident that wvery show has a vilian character and they are the one’s who are the most popular. #football #court #losangeles #car
All I wanted to do was sit on the Spanish steps and watch all these rich people shop at the Louis Vuitton, Dior, Balenciaga, Prada, Gucci, Tiffany, and Rolex stores, but Mr. Officer wasn’t having it #police #luxury #fashion