It’s important to share the losses as much as the wins when trying to live as a sustainably-minded human. And that means being real with you about what i do well and where I can do better. This isn’t about shaming, it’s not a race, but it’s also not about making excuses. Ive only been driving for 2 years my entire life! The rest of the time I car shsre or take public transport. My car is super old but it belonged to my Gran who sadly is in a home now, so it’s important to me. I live in the STICKS so need transport. There are no busses where I live! I always take the train where I can outside of this and offset my carbon with Only One. If you need a car to live, that’s okay. Going plant based, reducing plastic, using renewables in your home…are still amazing ways to contribute. 👏🏼 🌎 what do you think about this new series?? 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼 #realworldstruggles #ecofriendly #realisticzerowaste #realisticdayinmylife #realisticday #zerowastelife #zerowasteliving #jungleculture #zerowastebrand #ethicalliving #carbonoffyourengine #carbonoffset #ontheroad