Before activity encompasses all the things, se✖️ual and/or non-se✖️ual, people might do to get emotionally and physically ready for 🌶️ ctivities. Stereotypically it has meant the things that mostly cis-hetero couples do in order to get ready for “p in v” But not everybody has or is interested in this type of se✖️. Pleasure is diverse and preferences vary. In reality, before play is anything that allows your body and mind to get comfortable. It’s like pre-se✖️ual care. Maybe you do spend an entire day preparing for what’s to come. It’s up to you! Just remember, before play is different for everyone, including how long it lasts and what feels good. Clear communication with your partner helps build trust, and also lets them know what you’re really into! ❤️ #relationshipadvice #relationshiptips #relationshipcoach #intimacyeducation #datingtips