🤳 The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends no screen time for babies under 18 months, with one important exception: live video chats. Because they allow your baby to have the kind of back-and-forth live conversation so critical to language development, the AAP says video chats are OK. ✅ Here are three tips for a meaningful video call: ⏰ Find the right time and keep it short. Since video chatting requires your baby to sit and focus, set expectations for a short call and aim for a time when your baby is less likely to be hungry, tired, or restless. 🕺🏻You interact too. Your baby will pay more attention to the person on the screen if you’re participating too. 👀 Help the conversation come alive. Ask family and friends to be animated: wave, make faces, and use exaggerated gestures. Your baby can only use two of their senses on a video call—seeing and hearing—so you can help make an interaction come alive with lots of movement. #lovevery #screentime #montessoribaby #montessoritoddler #parenting #playtolearn #earlychildhooddevelopment #earlychildhoodeducation #burp #Lovevery #grandparents #family #extendedfamily