🌟“Consistency is more important than perfection" means doing something regularly is better than trying to do it perfectly. 🌟 📦✂️In my small business, whether I'm working on a project, learning a new skill, or creating a new product, showing up and putting in effort day after day makes a big difference. 👏Perfection can be overwhelming and unrealistic, often leading to stress and self-doubt. But I've realized that if I stay consistent, even small steps add up over time and lead to great results. So, why worry about being perfect? I just keep going, knowing I'll achieve my goals.💪🏼 #smallbusinesstiktokshop✅✅ #stationeryshop #trendingreels #trendingpost #tutorials #partyfavorideas #workinghardformydream #giveaways #customizedgiveawaysph #smallbusinessowner #motivationalvideo #motivationalqoutesaboutbusiness #smallbusinessideas #smallbusinessinph