Relive the craziest ending to a game that you’ve never heard of 😅 Pick 6, Hook and ladder, & statue of liberty in a 2 minute span💀 #football #collegefootball #boisestate #oklahoma #pick6 #hookandladder #statueofliberty
Replying to @Cooper_Donald Relive the most controversial finish in recent memory (kicking a field goal down 8??? & the infamous phantom PI call) #nfl #football #superbowl #greenbaypackers #tampabaybuccaneers #tombrady #aaronrodgers #goat
Relive the greatest Super Bowl win of all time (The giants pull off the greatest upset ever, destroying the dreams of the undefeated season) #nfl #football #giants #patriots #elimanning #superbowl #helmetcatch #tombrady #goat