TIPS FOR BLEACHING KNOTS⬇️ - If you struggle with how long you should let your bleach sit, use 30 developer instead of 40 so you can carefully watch the process and check in every 5 mins to see the progress. - when applying the bleach onto the lace PLEASE MAKE SURE you are applying it with a light hand, applying with a heavy hand will push the bleach through the lace causing your knots to over bleach. poudre decolorante - If your knots manage to over bleach use blue shampoo instead of purple to cancel out the orange. - If your knots are still black after the first bleach Don't hesitate to do a second bleach. Some knots are thicker/darker than others, which will need more time bleaching.! #explore #viral #imjustagirl #beauty #bleachingknots #wigtips @Indique Hair