Here are a few products that I love when getting ready for the day! ~SHOWITTY DEAL-3 pack of super cute, comfy leggings with pocket to dress up or down ~Zmile dry, volumizing shampoo (spray) 🧴 ~Hyper Hair dye shampoo (Yesss! It already exists. I had no idea.) 🧴 ~Her box fantasy feminine cleansing gel to soothe, promote balanced feminine ph, and elminate odors 👯♀️. ~ShaperX-I wear shapewear at least once a week to show off curves in all the right places and cover up other areas. 🩱 Hope you love these products! As always, I appreciate all your love and support! 💖💖💖💖. #showitty#showittyleggings #shinderella #showittystyle#showyourfreestyle#gettingreadywithme#getreadywithme#getready#productsilove#productsthatwork#shaperx#shaperxshapewear#shapewear #zmile #zmiledryshampoo #zmilevolumeandtexture #hairproducts #legggings #shampoo #bodywash #herfantasy #herfantasybox #herfantasyboxbodywash #bodywash #cleansinggel #hyperhair #hyperhairdye #hyperhairdyeshampoo #dyeshampoo #hairdye #haircare #hairrefresh #bodyrefresh #favourites #favproducts #backto #dealsfordays #backtoschool2024 #backtoschool #tiktokshopbacktoschool #beautytok #hairtok #bodypositivity #bodytok #sexy