Anastasia, Beverly Hills cosmetics:I’m happy that they’re trying to make darker shades, and I think they’re doing a really good job at it I do think they need to go darker because I love their brand and I love them texture of this foundation. It doesn’t irritate my skin at all and I think it gives a really flawless look. #BeverlyHills #AnastasiaBeverlyHills #AnastasiaBeverlyHillsMakeupReview #DipBraReview #FoundationReview #MakeUpReview #2Q #AnastasiaBeverlyHills #MakeupThings #DarkSkinMakeup #DoingTheThing #Cute #LivingLife #LoveIt #DoingItTogether #MakeUplife #DarkSkinQueen, doing the thing #MakeUpLife #Minnesota #MakeUpGroup #DarkSkinQueen #DarkSkinMakeup #MakeUpLife #Foundation #Foundation #eyebrows #Eyebrows ##DarkSkinApproved##matureskinapproved#CapCut #genz #zmedia