Stop making people jump through hoops just to get information on your opportunity or your products. You were pushing away more people than you could ever imagine! People should be able to access your information whether you send it to them directly or they follow a link in your profile. This old-school network marketing, where youāre having a person jump on a call with 10 different people to basically bully them into joining your business using vague words that you know they donāt fully comprehend because youāre not giving them the proper amount of context. Iāve been in this industry for over 13 years and would never market my business the way I see some people marketing their business and such a sleazy way. why do you think so many people call this a scam? Because you tell them itās easy oh, you only have to do it like an hour a day. Just message your friends and family. All you have to do is post and youāll make money. you can basically set your business on automation and barely touch it and be a millionaire. All of these statements are bullshit and exactly why some people get into the industry who should never be come a distributor and shouldāve stayed a customer. How many times a day do you see someone on your feed pitching their product or their business in a sleazy sleazy way?? They never provide value or actual information to their community . And they go out of their way to only be in your inbox when there is a sale or promotion going on. #NetworkMarketing #DoBetter #LetsRebuild #Restructure #DifferentPerspective #WhatDoYouThink #WDYT
Duration: 59 sPosted : Sat, 20 Apr 2024 01:37:20Views