Seeing these little eyes open and glimpse the world for the very first time is so rewarding. These are just some of the patients I am caring for right now. In addition, there are two young female red fox kits, our beloved beavers Theodore and Willow, (Theodore had some terrifying health problems last week that I will be making a video about soon, thankfully he is stable now and they have resolved) An influx of injured pigeons (three of which are lost/abandoned racing pigeons that will need homes once healthy) and of course, all of our domestic rescues. I am learning so much this season, studying the biology of many new species and working with veterinarians and more experienced rehabbers to give them the best care. There have been so many special moments that I couldn’t possibly share them all, but I really do enjoy being able to experience some of these small wonders with all of you. Thank you for watching and learning with me and supporting me in pursuing my dream. I can’t begin to express my gratitude, from both the animals and I. Every small donation means so much, and reading your kind comments, questions, and stories and knowledge of your own inspires me every day. Stay Wild for Life, ❤️ Alexis🐿️🐾 #wildliferehabilitation #wildliferehab #animalrescue #babysquirrel #southernflyingsquirrel
Duration: 90 sPosted : Thu, 18 Apr 2024 17:15:51Views