GLYPHOSATE I grew up in Lower Manhattan, I never had a lawn. I remember seeing the round-up commercials with the "evil dandelions" and being like.. damn what those flowers do to you? But now that I know what I know about dandelions, I can't believe how insane those commercials are!!! Let the flowers grow, plant clover, and plant native plants, if you have a lawn YOU HAVE the POWER to fix something broken! no more toxic chemicals in our soils and waters! NEW WORLD LET'S GO! P.S. This song and video were birthed from me going to sing about trees in Florida and meeting some awesome college students who told me about glyphosate and I was like.. OK I'm making a song!!! It was the morning of my flight back to NYC, I picked a J Dilla beat I thought would be fitting... its called "The Sickness" haha that's why I picked it. I wrote these bars on my way to the airport, recorded a voice note ON THE PLANE like a crazy person 🤣 and put it into logic and developed it... within 24 hours I got home re-recorded it, put on my Earth blazer, got in front of the green screen, and made a video... BOOM.... it went a lil viral <3 this is the video that made @pattiegonia aware of Hila!!! I miss creating like this!!! just pushing things out that come up and out!!! NEW HORIZONS! I'm clearing space and getting ready for more creation. We are out here MOVING AND SPINNING so much is coming!!!! I got this... I'm the EARTH... and now you know... RoundUp is stupid (toxic!)! boycott!! eat Dandelions!! more on foraging very soon 😍😍😍