As someone who has struggled with suicidal depression for 19+ years, I can attest to @MASoSfilm being a tenderly true and honest insight into the lived experience. The most relief I’ve experienced during the last 19+ years of therapy was when I heard stories of other people’s recovery and learned I wasn’t alone. Because as much as the skills I learned in therapy have helped me manage my symptoms, it’s people that have kept me alive. It’s knowing I’m not alone in my thoughts and fears. It’s knowing my pain isn’t a burden, because in fact, it’s shared. It’s knowing that the more I focus on relationships and people I can lean on, the less it hurts when I fall. It’s knowing that the goal is not to end my sorrow or to stop my pain, but to feel supported in navigating it when it comes. The individuals in my life would know how to support me today if it weren’t for films like Moving America’s Soul on Suicide. And I wouldn’t feel safe to ask them to support me without the film’s 6 storyteller’s courage to share their experiences. The ripple effect of these stories is unseen, but I hope to make it visible. With your help, I’m hoping that Moving America’s Soul on Suicide can be seen by 450,000 people by the end of April. Because I know firsthand that the more people who hear these stories, the bigger the ripple effect, and the higher the chance someone close to you might hear these stories and listen. The higher the chance someone who needs to know they’re not alone stumbles across the film and finally feels safe to ask for help. The higher the chance we inspire not just individual change, but collective. Help me create this ripple effect by watching and sharing the film today. Moving America’s Soul on Suicide is free to watch on YouTube, and is linked in my bio. #masosfilm #thereishope #iwanttolive #documentary #youhaveworth #findyourwhy #bethevoice #youarenotaloneinthis #mentalhealthtiktoks #youarenotalone
Duration: 73 sPosted : Wed, 17 Apr 2024 02:34:52Views