I never regret changing my plans to include my dog. Not everyone gets that, do you?? I cannot believe Hudson turns 2 years old on Thursday 😭 They are right.. we don’t deserve dogs, but I will spend every day trying to be worthy of a love like this.
I soak Hudson’s paws in epsom salt and water for his dog allergies! It has been an absolute game changer. One big question I get is - how do you get him to stand in the bowl for 10 minutes? I was scrolling down memory lane and couldn’t believe I took that video!! He was obsessed with his water bowl back then. I guess he’s still doing now, what he was doing then! But now he can’t drink the soaks 😂 who wants to really see???
Dog allergy season is upon us. I have learned that epsom salt soaks help clear up irritated paws. Hudson’s paws were so raw and red because he wouldn’t stop licking them (worst sound ever). After about a week and a half, they were cleared up. This was literally a game changer for us and I hope it helps you too.
A few short months ago I was on crutches for 6 weeks. I lost so much motivation to be the fit version of myself I am used to. I used to focus so much on how fast I was going and now I am just embracing every opportunity to move. Hudson pushes and motivates me every day. He has reminded me to soak in the little moments. Here is to my journey back! PS I will change directions because of geese every single time.