Why your recurring infections happening with the same partner ⬇️ Have you ever noticed that you get an infection with one partner but with other partners you don’t? When you’re looking at a holistic approach to your 🐈 health, it’s important to understand that there is a METAPHYSICAL aspect to it too, not just physical. There is an emotional, energetic and spiritual connection to your vaginal health, especially if you’re experiencing recurring infections. I always say, your 🐈 is your intuition, and will tell you if it likes someone/something or not. In my work, I have learned the main METAPHYSICAL messages that are associated to each infection are: Yeast Infections - denial of your own needs, frustration, doing a lot but feeling like you’re not doing enough, distrust in relationships, distrust in yourself, anger. BV infections - feeling not good enough, self-rejection, not trusting of yourself, fear of s€x and s€xual desire, fear of vulnerability, s€xual shame. UTIs - anger, anxiety, fear of letting go, feeling pressured, being pissed off, guilt, grief, lack of self-confidence. Gen. Herpes - s€xual guilt and shame, self-punishment, fear of judgement by others, repulsion of s€x or your s€xual self, feeling pressured or burdened by responsibilities, anger. HPV - loss of control, powerless, unexpressed emotions, anger, insecurity, unworthiness, overthinking and worrying. If you want to learn more about the metaphysical aspects of all of these infections, I talk about them in each of my 4 programs and guides - LINK IN BIO for more info! And when you’re ready to get to the ROOT CAUSE of your recurring 🐈infections, we dive deeper into some of the feelings and emotions that are triggering them on a 1:1 support call! If you want to dive deeper and need support, DM me and we can chat more about how I can help you! #yeastinfection #yeastinfections #bacterialvaginosis #urinarytractinfections #candida #candidaovergrowth #herpesawareness #hsv2 #hsv1 #herpesdating #herpes #herpesoutbreaks #herpesoutbreak #hpv #humanpapillomavirus #genitalwart #cervicaldysplasia #hpvawareness #yonihealth #healthyyoni #yonicare #yoniwellness #yoninutritionist #metaphysicalhealing #vagtok #yonitok #vulvatok #womenshealth
Duration: 47 sPosted : Tue, 16 Apr 2024 14:54:24Views