To anyone who has messaged or commented to check on me, thank you for doing that. I am sorry if I did not respond. A symptom of my PTSD is isolating when I'm in emotionally negative situations. Dealing with that on top of already trying to navigate life with very weird and undeveloped social skills, and sometimes I just don't know how to respond. And the more time passes, the harder it becomes for me to say something too. Being embroiled in family court again made me afraid to share any part of myself or anything I was doing on social media, especially since he was trying to use anything I shared anywhere against me however he could. So I figured if I didn't share much, there was not much to worry about. But honestly, creating content was the last thing on my mind anyway. More than two years later, and even though there are still many loose ends to tie up in the courtroom, my spirit is finally starting to settle, and my confidence is lifted. Continuing to stay silent and isolated is the last bit of control this nightmare has over me. And so through a lot of counseling and self-reflection, I have come to realize just how unique my experience is, and by sharing it, I believe it's possible that I could help other parents going through it and create some real changes in the family court system. But y'all, I want you to know that this little country girl finally faced all of her fears after realizing no one else in the world could help her, and she represented herself, exposed a horribly corrupt custody evaluator, and handled all of her business courageously. I wish the girl she was a decade ago could see who she is today. And in closing, I have to say this: I am so very very sorry if any of the unhealed parts of myself ever spilled onto you. I was truly doing the best I could. I ask you for forgiveness, and I thank you immensely for your grace and understanding. π«Άπ»π