“Manly” “Gross” “That’s too much” “Not beautiful” “OMG stunning” “Beautiful” “Perfection” “Strong is the new sexy” 🔊 Listen! Every single person around will think differently about you, about me, about them, than what you do… It is inevitable. What is not, is kindness. We have to understand and respect that not everyone likes the same things. In my opinion we should be happy about that, since none of us look nor behave like anyone else. What matters is what we choose to say and how we say it. Sometimes not saying anything is golden, and sometimes saying something can make someone’s entire day or even their whole year! We will all struggle with feeling at peace if we are always trying so hard to be what we think others expects from us. Figure out what you expect from yourself first and I promise things will start to fall into place. You are worthy of feeling kind, beautiful and capable. Be about it and you will feel it becoming the truth 🫶🏻 #motivation #selflove #selfrespect #lifestyle #opinions #fittok #fit #ideas #mindset #standyourground #fyp #foryou