FREE Birth Prep at the link in my bio 🤰❤️ A look at what to expect *physically* after giving birth! 👉 Sore breasts: When your milk comes in the engorgement can be intense! 👉 Constipation: The first pp poop might take a while and can be extra uncomfortable if you have stitches or hemorrhoids 👉 Stitches: These can be a bit itchy as they heal, sting when you pee, and may be uncomfortable 👉 Hemorrhoids: Yep, it’s likely you’ll have some after pushing our your babe 👉 Hot and cold flashes: Your hormones might go a bit haywire, leading to some unexpected temperature swings. 👉 Urinary or fecal incontinence: Your muscles down there might need a bit of time to get back into shape, so don’t be surprised if you have some trouble controlling things 👉 After pains’: Your uterus is still contracting back down, especially when you’re breastfeeding or getting meds to help with bleeding. 👉 PP Bleeding: Think of it as a heavy period at first, but don’t worry, it’ll taper off over the next few weeks. 👉 Weight: Immediately after birth you’ll be around 12 lbs lighter. You’ll continue to lose water weight in the first weeks after birth There you go, mama, hope that helps prepare you for what’s to come!