Nature provides everything you need to care for your baby. Firstly anything with fragrance is pure trash. All of the items you’ll find at your local grocery store are pure trash. Find a local artisan or make your own. Pinterest is a great place to start. Your baby doesn’t need a harsh scrub, they’re not digging in ditches or working on the train. Purified water is enough to cleanse their sensitive skin & hair. I use a local, handmade castille soap made with extra virgin olive oil. And I’ve used it maybe a dozen of times on my baby who’s been on Earth 6 months. These endocrine disrupters are harming your baby. And if you’re using tap water for the love of god please get a filter. Chlorine and flouride are also very damaging. Amongst other crap they put in the water. Johnson & Johnson are sleeping with the devil. Drop your favorite go-to products or recipes in the comments. 🌸I’m creating a powerful audio product called “The energetics of birth” it’s designed as an audio book essentially. Subscribe to my newsletter to know when it’s available. It covers it all from before conception or partner & to conscious birth & motherhood. ✨Follow @themamachel 📖Pick up my book in my bio #johnsonandjohnsonistrash #harmfulbabyproduct #babyproductsreview #naturalbabyproducts
Duration: 63 sPosted : Sun, 14 Apr 2024 23:00:34Views