Try this if you’re moving! Received this comment on one of my posts sharing about our move: “Listen, make a small terrarium from your first home. I often do this for clients if the house is hard to leave. A nice glass dish from Michael’s, place some soil from the yard, some stones from the walkway or property. I have hubby cut a small branch to make small “stepping stones” through the soil. Moss will transfer easily. You can really get creative with it. ❤️Alternatively, you can bring a 5 gallon bucket of soil from your current home, dig a hole at your new home and plant a young tree/sapling in it. It can grow with the babies, using the soil and nutrients from their first home. You can bring stones to surround the small tree too. Or bricks, whatever is there that you can transfer. ❤️ Thank you from the bottom of my heart for sharing this incredibly meaningful idea,! I know God brought your thoughtfulness into my heart. Making this terrarium was therapeutic and made the idea of moving out of our first home less sad and more of a realization that home is anywhere we are together. If you’re moving or want to take a piece of whenever you are with you, try this 🥹
Duration: 39 sPosted : Sat, 13 Apr 2024 23:25:07Views