And lots of FREE PLAY together! But how do you teach REPAIR? I’ll share what I’ve learned. I remember the first time I witnessed Emi and Elliot, ages 3 and 6 at the time, truly “REPAIR.” They were taking space from each other after a tense moment. After 10 mins, Emi slowly walked up to her brother, her eyes low. She stood before him, he looked at her. He was ready too. She put a gentle hand on his shoulder. They started exchanging words about how they were feeling and what led each of them to respond the way they did.. no sorries, no blame, just expressing experiences and feeling heard. Emi went in for a hug, Elliot opened his arms, they embraced. I teared up, watching in awe as they returned to their imaginary play together. I couldn’t believe we were HERE. It’s not like this every time, and that’s okay. What I’ve learned is my kids learn to repair most by watching me do it. Modeling is powerful. You can model repair by repairing with them, and repairing with your spouse, your friends in front of them. And also walking them through the repair process when moments of “rupture” come up. Start with YOU first… “Get good at repair” said @Dr. Becky | Psychologist in her Ted talk on parenting in 2023 that has almost 3 million views. Her talk is directed at parents but applies to every relationship. DM or comment REPAIR for her @TED Talks link. “So what is repair” she asks in her talk, “repair is the act of going back to the moment of disconnection, taking responsibility for your behavior, and acknowledging the impact it had on another.” She goes on to talk about the difference between an apology and repair, “apology shuts a conversation down… a good repair, opens one up.” And then she walks you through the steps of repair. Her talk is incredible, I suggest listening to the entire 15 min talk if you want to start learning about repairing not only as a parent, but also to model it for your kids to learn to do with each other. @Eli Harwood @Dr. Shefali ✨ Conscious Parent @Jon | Parenting Educator @family_insights are also amazing resources for attachment / conscious / sturdy parenting advice. @Reima #secureattachment #consciousparenting #parenting101 #siblinghoodlove #siblinglove