THEE HUMMINGBIRD RECIPE 🌸 (Be sure to Share and Save for later!) "What do I feed my Hummingbird?!" 1 part white sugar 4 parts water That's it! No need for red dye, no honey, no fruit, no additives... just sugar and water. Sugar water is nature's GOLD, so everything wants to eat it. Unfortunately, this includes a cesspool of insects, mold, and bacteria; the warmer the weather, the more intense the demand for energy. This is why hummingbird feeders require frequent and regular cleaning, as often as every couple days (or daily when possible), especially when the weather is warm. Thank you for keeping our Hummingbirds happy, healthy, fed, and energized 🏵🌼🌸🌺 HAPPY BIRDING!!! #birds #birdladydrin #voiceover #acx #voice #birdwatching #hummingbird #food #recipe #sugar #water #nectar #drink #happy #healthy #innerchild #extremebirdwatching #birdnerd #professionalbirdnerd #learn #voiceover #voice #edu #passion #hobby #fyp