
I visited the @Denver Botanic Gardens today searching for answers. 🌸 You see… 👇🏼 I’m in the midst of a pivot in my purpose. Talking about grief & loss used to REALLY light me up! 💡 It was literally all that I could think or talk about. 💭 But five years since my husband’s death and after birthing my book LOVE & GRIEF into existence, I feel my curiosity & excitement taking me elsewhere. The direction? 🗺️ I don’t know! 🤷🏼‍♀️ So, I visited the gardens today to get out of my routine and search for some clues. 🔍 I thought that the entire garden would be bursting with color – a true spring awakening. 🌸 But when I got there, I was surprised to find that a lot of the gardens were still brown and covered in dry leaves. 🍂 Little buds were just starting to burst through the surface of bare branches and dry soil. 🌱 It reminded me … 🌻 That growth is hard work. 🌻 That all buds flower on their own time. And, 🌻 That nature cannot be forced. As much as I want the answer and clarity around this next interaction of my purpose, the gardens were a reminder to slow down and trust the process. 🖤 To stop seeking and surrender. 🖤 To embrace the uncertainty. 🖤 And to love the season that I am in. 👇🏼 Where do you go for inspiration & answers? 💖 Follow for inspo on loving life after loss 📥 Save for later widowu ##wid#widowu#youngwidowi#griefi#griefjourneyi#grievingwifei#griefcounselingi#griefcoachi#griefcommunityf#lifepurposes#lossf#lifeafterlossa#healinga#healingjourneyi#griefandlossr#partnerlossi#griefmentoriefsupportFinitude

Duration: 6 sPosted : Sat, 13 Apr 2024 00:00:40

















⚠️Not your normal widows retreat⚠️ 🕳️ Remembrance & Rebirth is a PORTAL. Enter as you are and leave as someone new. 🔥 It’s a safe-landing and a testing ground. To be seen held & comforted, and challenged, pushed & stretched. 🙏 It’s a sacred container. To explore the inner shadows, reach emotional depths, to die & be reborn and meet the wild woman who is emerging. 🌀 It’s a vortex. Where spirit, nature, culture and ceremony collide. Creating a palpable energy that buzzes through the jungle oasis like electricity! Sending a current to mother earth and the skies; showing our deceased loved ones that we are here and we are listening! ✨ 🖤 It’s a homage to our deceased and a celebration of who we are without them. Remembrance & Rebirth is a CALLING! For the widow .. 🦋 Who is not afraid to die … for she has died a thousand times before and is rising. 🦋 Who seeks authentic, real connection through vulnerability and raw, emotional expression 🦋 Who radiates light as she chooses to live fully in the face of death! If my words ignite something within, then you have received the call. 👉 HEAD TO MY BIO … And I’ll send you all of the details on how to join us in Tulum, Mexico over Dia de Los Muertos this fall. 🎉 I just opened THREE MORE SPOTS for soul-aligned sisters to join this sacred space. Join now to get: ⚡️SIX monthly connection calls (VALUE $2000) ⚡️Access to my moveTHRU Grief LIVE course (VALUE $497) ⚡️A community who can hold you right now! The transformation begins this May. 💀🐍 💌 Share with a sister 💖 Follow to love your life after loss #wid#widowsoftiktokd#widowu#youngwidowi#griefi#grieftoki#griefjourneyi#grievingwifei#griefcounselingi#griefcoachi#griefcommunityf#lifepurposes#lossf#lifeafterlossa#healingi#griefandlossr#partnerlossi#griefmentoriefsupport #widowretreat #widowsupport #widowsretreat
Emily Bingham
11 months_ago
😈 I’ve been behaving badly… I LOVE my partner David and WANT to build a life together! Yet, as our lives become more intertwined…I subconsciously push him further and further away. 😞 This weekend we had a fight where instead of trying to REPAIR, we REACTED with anger and frustration. So after 24hrs of space, here’s what we did to turn our CONFLICT into CONNECTION: 🖤 We spoke from a place of calm & curiosity. 🖤 He shared his side of the story. I shared mine. 🖤 We processed — WHY we were behaving this way? WHAT was driving our actions? 🖤 We asked hard questions like — Do we both want this? Is it worth the hard work? 🖤 We shared and held space for our doubts and concerns, and expressed our desires and hopes for the future. We realized that our “bad behavior” was driven by FEAR. Fear is valid. 🚨But it’s close to IMPOSSIBLE to build a loving, committed relationship if fear is running the show. When you’re acting out of fear … 👉 Your brain spirals and turns any conflict into evidence for how the relationship is failing or won’t work out. 👉 The nitpicking is your brain seeking all the potential pitfalls as a means to protect you. But it’s a false protection. 👉 Many relationships fail because instead of doing the self-inquiry required to bring awareness to their fear-based thoughts, most couples make it about the other person. So they break-up, find someone new, only to repeat the same pattern.🙃 The couples who make it, know how to alchemize their fear by fueling their desire🔥 🪄 Find out how by reading my full blog post (link in bio)! 👇When it comes to LOVE AFTER LOSS, what are some of the biggest challenges you have faced? 🗣️ Head to my website (link in bio) to join my newsletter & never miss a new post ➡️ Follow to love your life after loss 📥Save for later #widow#widowsoftiktokw#widowg#youngwidowf#grieff#grieftokf#griefjourneyv#grievingwifef#griefcounselingf#griefcoachf#griefcommunityp#lifepurpose #lossa#lifeafterlossi#healingf#griefandlossn#partnerlossf#griefmentorfsupport
Emily Bingham
11 months_ago
I visited the @Denver Botanic Gardens today searching for answers. 🌸 You see… 👇🏼 I’m in the midst of a pivot in my purpose. Talking about grief & loss used to REALLY light me up! 💡 It was literally all that I could think or talk about. 💭 But five years since my husband’s death and after birthing my book LOVE & GRIEF into existence, I feel my curiosity & excitement taking me elsewhere. The direction? 🗺️ I don’t know! 🤷🏼‍♀️ So, I visited the gardens today to get out of my routine and search for some clues. 🔍 I thought that the entire garden would be bursting with color – a true spring awakening. 🌸 But when I got there, I was surprised to find that a lot of the gardens were still brown and covered in dry leaves. 🍂 Little buds were just starting to burst through the surface of bare branches and dry soil. 🌱 It reminded me … 🌻 That growth is hard work. 🌻 That all buds flower on their own time. And, 🌻 That nature cannot be forced. As much as I want the answer and clarity around this next interaction of my purpose, the gardens were a reminder to slow down and trust the process. 🖤 To stop seeking and surrender. 🖤 To embrace the uncertainty. 🖤 And to love the season that I am in. 👇🏼 Where do you go for inspiration & answers? 💖 Follow for inspo on loving life after loss 📥 Save for later #wid#widowu#youngwidowi#griefi#griefjourneyi#grievingwifei#griefcounselingi#griefcoachi#griefcommunityf#lifepurposes#lossf#lifeafterlossa#healinga#healingjourneyi#griefandlossr#partnerlossi#griefmentoriefsupport
Emily Bingham
11 months_ago
Proof of magic 👇🏼 😞I’ve been a rut, questioning my purpose (again), & feeling uninspired and stuck So I decided to shake things up and change my normal walking route with Maile 🐶to see what the universe might show me Along the way, I spotted a hummingbird & owl pendant, as well as a catfish sculpture adorning the porches of the houses I strolled by I got curious about their hidden meaning🧐 🐦Hummingbird = sign of joy 🦉Owl = symbol of wisdom 🐠Catfish = good fortune & psychic awareness The hummingbird and owl side-by-side conjured the phrase — “joyful sage” — an archetypal energy that I resonate with deeply To me, a sign of the work I do spreading light & sharing my lessons from loss is confirmation that I’m on my aligned path ✨ The catfish didn’t make sense until later… After walking 5 min or so I found myself at the University of Denver — where my late husband Ian and I first met I immediately sensed his energy⚡️ I walked over to the soccer field where a group of students were practicing to loud music I thought about how different my life would be had I not met Ian 👩🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏼 Had we not fallen in love, dated, got married and started a family together ☠️Had he not had cancer and died 💔Had I never known the deep pain and grief that surfaces 🦋 Nor the growth, awakening and liberation that comes from transmuting the darkness into light I watched the students and thought about how their hopes and plans for the future would either materialize or vanish in the dance between FREE WILL (choice) & FATE (universe) Suddenly, my thoughts were interrupted by a familiar song 🎶 “Dancing in the Moonlight” - Van Morrison My heart sank into my chest and I started to sob as I heard our wedding song The catfish symbol was an omen that Ian, god, source — my team of light were near; and our wedding song was the reminder that THERE IS A DIVINE PLAN! ☸️ The universe has got your back When you are lost, confused or stuck, you can simply walk outside your door for guidance But you have to be open to hear its whispers and look for the deeper meaning in its subtle cues When you do - LIFE opens up! 🌍 The mundane becomes pure magic & mystery 🔮 #widow #griefjourney #healing #spirituality #signs
Emily Bingham
11 months_ago
Check out my latest podcast interview with @The Mourning Crew | grief pod In it we share vulnerability about … 🖤 Marrying my husband knowing he had cancer 🖤 The horror of saying goodbye to him and telling my kids when he died 🖤 How I healed, found meaning and purpose in life after loss And yes… Dating as a widowed mom.🙄 Head to the link in my bio to tune in! #widowsoftiktok #widow #youngwidow #datingafterloss #podcast #themourningcrew #griefpodcast #grieftok #grieftips #griefjourney #healing
Emily Bingham
11 months_ago